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Man booked on drug charges an hour after release from jail

On Behalf of | Mar 12, 2014 | Drug Charges

Individuals facing criminal charges in Newport News City, Virginia, have a lot of things to consider. Drug charges can be especially complicated, because the legal system uses a variety of factors to consider what charges will be filed and what consequences may be levied. From previous drug convictions to how much and what type of drug is involved, individuals should understand how each detail impacts their case in order to build the best possible defense.

For one man in another state, poor decisions in the wake of a jail release have landed him back in prison in less than two hours. He’s facing new drug charges as well as the possibility of other offenses. According to reports, the man was released from a prison around 8 a.m. According to police, they stopped a car at 9:06 a.m., and the man was a passenger in the vehicle.

Police report that the vehicle was stopped for several traffic violations. The deputy said he smelled marijuana and saw flakes of the substance on the man’s shirt. Reports are that the man denied that marijuana was present.

Police then searched the vehicle. They found a box with personal items the man had brought from the prison. They found a gun on top of the box, though the man denied that it was his. He said that he knew the gun was in the car, because he’d moved it to put it on top of his box when he placed his own items in the car. The driver of the car denied that the gun was his.

Police also found rolling papers and marijuana nearby and under the passenger seat. The man was arrested and returned to jail. He faces charges of possessing drugs and paraphernalia as well as misconduct involving a weapon.

Source:  Fox 19, “Just-released prisoner free for 66 minutes before arrest” Steve Stout, Mar. 10, 2014


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