Weisberg Weisberg | Personal Attention. Exceptional Representation
The Attorneys or staff of Weisberg Weisberg
Giving Back

Community Commitment

The attorneys and staff of Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, are committed to making the world — and our community — a better place to live. We give back to those who are less fortunate by supporting local, regional and national charities, providing legal representation to underserved members of our community, and making changes in our business model to support the environment. We are dedicated to helping our community grow and prosper into the future.

We are also grateful for the service and sacrifice of members of the U.S. Armed Forces. As a small reflection of our gratitude, we offer discounted rates for military members and veterans.

St. Jude Children's Hospital | St. Jude Walk Run


Each year, the W&W Team comes together to support the amazing work of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the St. Jude Walk/Run. The work that St. Jude does each and every day to help children is remarkable, and we are honored to participate in this spirit lifting event!

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One27 is a remarkable local organization that partners with city agencies, local churches, and local businesses to provide care and community to kids and families in foster care.

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Photo of attorney Noah Weisburg presenting


Because education is the key to a brighter future, the attorneys of Weisberg & Weisberg relish every opportunity they have to share their knowledge of the legal system with young people, including high school students who participated in the STAR Program through Newport News City Schools.

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Operation Smile


With roots in Hampton Roads, Operation Smile believes that all children deserve amazing medical care. Through its global network of medical professionals with expertise in treating cleft lip and cleft palate, Operation Smile is able to deliver safe, life-changing surgery to the people who need it most. We feel lucky and honored to support this incredible organization.

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Let's Do This Together

Contact Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, in Newport News, to discuss your legal matter in confidence with one of our lawyers. We welcome the opportunity to serve you and your family.