Some people facing driving under the influence (DUI) charges in Virginia are arrested after a crash occurs. Others face prosecution because a police officer saw them doing something unusual in traffic and pulled them over. However, Virginia police departments also...
Drunk Driving
What is a per se DUI infraction in Virginia?
Some driving under the influence (DUI) charges arise due to obvious legal violations. Someone drove in a very poor manner or caused a crash that had consequences for other people. Police officers may arrest anyone involved in a crash if a breath test shows they were...
How to tell if you’re intoxicated before driving in Virginia
When a Virginia police officer arrests someone for a driving under the influence (DUI) infraction, they typically either need proof that someone drove in an impaired manner or test results that show that someone is over the legal limit. A significant percentage of...
2 options for compensation after a drunk driving wreck
Every driver in Virginia has to have a license, which means they had to complete driver's education training and pass a test before driving on their own. Inevitably, that means they will have learned about the rules regarding alcohol use and driving. Virginia has...
Could your illness make you seem intoxicated to the police?
When you take medications, there are certain precautions you can take to be safer behind the wheel. Illnesses, however, can be challenging to predict and control. In some cases, the same symptoms that tell you that you are sick could be the same ones that could make a...
Yes, your alcohol-based meal may lead to a DUI
If you’re going out to eat a nice dinner with friends or family, you might not be thinking about the alcohol content in that meal. Interestingly, it is possible to get intoxicated from eating food, not just drinking alcohol. Certain foods are made with alcohol, such...
How accurate was the breath test in your DUI arrest?
The Commonwealth of Virginia can bring stiff penalties to bear for a DUI conviction, depending on the results of your breath test. However, are breath tests always accurate? Your defense may focus on challenging those results. Looking at the law In Virginia, a judge...
Police must have reasonable suspicion to stop you for a DWI
If you have had too much to drink before getting behind the wheel, you are potentially putting your life and the lives of others in danger. You also face some harsh legal penalties for driving while impaired. Still, unless you are at a sobriety checkpoint, officers...
What are the typical first-time DUI punishments in Virginia?
Most people are well aware that drunk driving is illegal in Virginia and every other state, but they may not know the details of the law. For example, law enforcement can arrest you on suspicion of DUI if you have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of at least 0.08%....
Seven things to know about impaired driving (DUI) in Virginia
Most of us understand that driving under the influence is illegal. But what exactly does that mean to a Virginia driver who is arrested on suspicion of DUI? According to the Commonwealth's Department of Motor Vehicles, "Virginia is tough on drunk and drugged drivers."...