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Man facing murder charges refuses to participate in trial

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2014 | Criminal Defense

Criminal accusations can change the scope of a person’s entire life, which means all parts of the defense process should be taken seriously. One Virginia man who has been charged with first-degree murder has taken a unique approach to criminal defense. The man refused to participate in the trial, so the judge allowed the trial to go on without the defendant present, which is likely to negatively impact the outcome of the case.

According to reports, the man fired seven lawyers on the case. The case relates to the murder of a 58-year-old man in Feb. 2011. The 46-year-old man on trial reportedly alleges that the trial against him is illegal. He has filed suits against numerous judicial personnel involved in the case.

On Tuesday, April 22, the man was in court to begin his trial. He reportedly refused to answer any questions from the judge or enter a plea in the case. The judge eventually told the court reporter to enter a not guilty plea.

The judge asked the defendant if he wanted to change into street clothes instead of wearing his prison jump suit in trial. The defendant said he wasn’t participating in the trial, because it was illegal. According to reports, the defendant doesn’t want the trial to proceed until his lawsuits against judicial personnel are concluded.

According to reports, the judge stated the trial would continue as scheduled. The defendant reportedly continued to talk over the judge and state that the trial was illegal. The judge had the defendant removed from the court, at which time the defendant began asking police to arrest the judge.

The judge appointed attorneys in the case, but the defendant allegedly refuses to speak to the attorneys. The trial continued without the defendant, though he had the option to listen to court proceedings from the jail.

Participating with a legal team in building and presenting a defense is one of the best ways a person can work towards a more positive outcome in a case. Even when civil allegations are pending, defendants should never ignore criminal legal proceedings that involve them.

Source: Daily Press, “Defendant kicked out of Hampton courtroom before trial” Peter Dujardin, Apr. 22, 2014


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