Virginia residents may have heard of the movie “The War of the Roses,” but few would expect such a scandalous divorce story to play out in real life. Well, it has, and you won’t believe this astounding detail: The clients’ last names are actually Rose. A family feud is now being waged between a real estate mogul, his daughter and her soon-to-be ex-husband. The older man, Marshall Rose, is married to celebrity Candice Bergen. The younger couple is pursuing a divorce after separating in 2010. They had married in 1996.
The divorce has become an exhausting entanglement of divorce claims, counterclaims and other legal maneuvers. Allegations have been flying between the two men that e-mail spying and financial retaliation occurred during their business dealings. The younger man is accusing Rose of freezing him out of professional opportunities after he left his daughter. The son-in-law had been employed at Rose’s Georgetown Company, which has played a role in some of the city’s most memorable properties, including the restoration of the New York Public Library’s main branch.
Rose is also accused of intentionally sending his son-in-law’s private and professional e-mail correspondence to his daughter for her use during the divorce proceedings. In other words, he gave his daughter privileged information that almost certainly benefited her case. Meanwhile, the daughter has told news outlets that she considers her divorce a private affair, and she wants to resolve the matter as soon as possible.
Although divorce litigation can be expensive and tiring, it is sometimes necessary for high asset divorces. Others in high-conflict situations may also need access to a litigation-based breakup. Couples who cannot amicably work out their differences may benefit from the structure of a courtroom proceeding.
Source: New York Post, “Real-estate family tangled in prickly divorce” Julia Marsh and Laura Italiano, May. 01, 2014