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Can Virginians celebrate divorce with parties?

On Behalf of | Jun 5, 2014 | Divorce

There’s a growing trend among the recently divorced, according to an AP news report. Spouses in Virginia and across the country are letting lose after divorces with celebratory bashes. One woman reportedly spent as much as $25,000 on her divorce party, which involved her father walking down the isle to reclaim her after giving her away 18 months earlier.

According to reports from event planners, divorce parties aren’t a completely new idea. One man says his business has been involved in divorce parties for a decade, and another said he baked his first cake for a divorce celebration eight years ago. As Americans celebrate more events — including childhood milestones, pets’ birthdays, and work-related events — divorce parties are growing in popularity.

One couple said they hosted a divorce party together as part of the closure on their old life. The party symbolized a new beginning for them and their children, they said. They talked about co-parenting and other positive aspects of the future.

Other spouses choose to celebrate the end of a marriage separately. Some order cakes that depict one spouse being pushed from the top by another. One baker made an upside down cake with the groom depicted crushed below the structure. Cakes — and celebrations — run the gamut and can be customized to the emotions and needs of each couple or individual.

Before freedom or a new life can be celebrated, however, individuals must get through the divorce. Emotions can run high, but expert handling of each situation can help couples get to the point that a celebration is likely. Before the cake, couples should consider issues such as child support, custody and property division carefully.

Source: CBS Local, “‘Divorce Parties’ With Cake, Celebration on the Rise” No author given, May. 28, 2014


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