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Do you meet requirements for a divorce?

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2016 | Divorce

Did you know that there are certain requirements for getting a divorce, depending on which state you live in and how long you have lived there? Every state is slightly different, which makes it even harder to tell if you meet the requirements. But not meeting requirements for divorce doesn’t mean you’re stuck with someone for the time being.

Common requirements for seeking divorce include filing for divorce in the state that you live in. You might have to live in the state for a certain amount of time before you are considered a permanent resident and can file in that state. This is also true for children and custody arrangements. For example, children must live in Virginia for a certain length of time before parents can file certain types of custody paperwork regarding the child in the Virginia courts.

Another common requirement for divorce in some states is the need to be separated for a certain amount of time before a divorce is filed or finalized. This usually means that two people must live apart from each other and not be in a marital relationship with each other for a prescribed period of time. In most cases, an affidavit or statement that this is the case is sufficient for divorce proceedings to continue.

If you are in a situation and you don’t know if divorce is an option yet, then consider speaking to a family law attorney. An experienced lawyer can help you understand the process in your state and locality, and it may be less cumbersome than you might imagine. He or she can also offer guidance about all your options, including those that involve dividing property and making decisions about the care of children.

Source: Dummies.com, “Understanding the Basics of Divorce Law,” accessed March 25, 2016


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