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Child support report to be reviewed in 2017

On Behalf of | Nov 10, 2016 | Family Law

If you pay child support or receive it, then you may be interested to know that there is a panel that reviews it and suggests changes regulations and guidelines as necessary. This panel makes decisions that could affect your support obligations or how much you’ll receive; if there are changes made, your attorney may be able to help you navigate the differences so that you better understand how the changes will affect your family.

Virginia child support guidelines are up for review by the state panel, which means that there could be changes in the future. According to an Oct. 28 news report, Virginia calculates child support payments based on a number of factors including how much the parents have coming in as a steady income and how many children are affected. The panel that will review child support has to determine the if the guidelines are adequate, and they are supposed to make suggestions about the regulations that are in place to make sure that the rewards are calculated fairly and reflect the true costs that result from being a parent to a child.

The panel has 15 members that get together every few months to discuss new research on child support and families. The panel discusses the ways that guidelines should be updated. The panel reviews child support for approximately four years and then submits its findings and recommendations to the general assembly along with the governor at the end of that term.

The next report will be turned in at the end of 2017, but the group is already looking into changes. Right now, there is a 90-day threshold that states that if a noncustodial parents spends 91 days or more per year with a child, then he or she receives a reduction in child support. After the 90 days pass, the average drop in the amount of person that would have to pay in child support is around $117. This and other factors involved in determining child support are discussed each term, and it will be interesting to see what, if anything, changes this coming report.

Source: Fairfax Times, “Child support guidelines are up for review by state panel,” Angela Woolsey, Oct. 28, 2016


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