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Weir’s husband claims wrongdoing in divorce documents

On Behalf of | Mar 29, 2014 | Divorce

The husband of Olympic skater Johnny Weir has accused the athlete of unfairly outing him and then committing adultery during their relationship. Like many Virginia spouses, the man is irate that his husband cheated on him. He is now pursuing a divorce from the well-known athlete.

News reports indicate that Weir’s soon-to-be ex-husband, Victor Voronov, is accusing the athlete of cruel and hateful behavior during their two-year marriage. Voronov argues that he was living life as a heterosexual man before he met Weir. The athlete is accused of forcing the man out of the closet.

In addition to those allegations, Voronov accuses Weir of cheating with the owner of a nightclub and having questionable relations with a porn star. Weir is also accused of taking several luxury items from the couple’s home, apparently with the intent to sell them for money. Those items included furs and watches, among other coveted trinkets.

Even though the couple’s same-sex marriage may be considered non-traditional by some, it appears that they adopted traditional roles within their relationship. Voronov supported Weir throughout his career. Now, that man is facing financial and social instability because he has initiated the divorce. The man even agreed to move to the East Coast to support his husband, according to official reports.

Same-sex divorces in many states may be subject to the same provisions included in heterosexual proceedings. That means that spouses may be able to recover financial compensation through alimony and a variety of other options. Child custody proceedings and other divorce legal issues may also occur. A Virginia attorney may be able to provide couples with more information about their legal rights and options during a same-sex divorce.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Johnny Weir Was Unfaithful, Cruel And Forced Me Out Of The Closet, Estranged Husband Claims” No author given, Mar. 25, 2014


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