Drunk driving charges can be frightening, and in a situation when you might have had a couple of drinks — or more than a couple — before driving, you might not act logically. When people are driving under the influence and an incident occurs, they might flee the area or drive away because they are afraid of the consequences associated with a DUI. Sometimes, fleeing the scene might result in additional consequences — even if someone ends up having a blood alcohol level below the legal limit.
In a recent case in a nearby Virginia city, a woman has been charged with a DUI following an accident. Reports are that the woman was driving a car and hit a motorcycle and rider early on a Saturday morning. She left the scene.
A state trooper later found the man who had been hit. He found the man around 5:00 a.m., and the man was laying in the roadway. Reportedly, the man had injuries that were life-threatening and he was brought to an area hospital for treatment.
The accident was witnessed by another person, who reported information about the incident to police. According to reports, the witness was traveling behind the car that struck the man and provided information that let police locate the vehicle. Police used that information to find the woman who had been driving; she faces a charge of DUI.
Anyone can consume one too many drinks at dinner or get behind the wheel without realizing that he or she is above the legal limits. Any driver, whether under the influence or not, can be involved in a serious motor vehicle accident. Whatever the circumstances, seeking help from a legal professional to build a viable defense is usually a better decision than attempting to run from the situation.
Source: NewsChannel 3, “Woman charged with DUI after hitting motorcyclist on I-64 in Hampton,” Matt Knight, Nov. 28, 2015