Weisberg Weisberg | Personal Attention. Exceptional Representation
The Attorneys or staff of Weisberg Weisberg
Theft Crimes

Strong Defense From Theft Crimes

Under Virginia criminal law, theft crimes can take many different forms. In general, the term refers to the wrongful taking of money or property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property or money.

While the penalties for the wide range of theft crimes vary significantly, from misdemeanors to felonies, any criminal theft conviction can cause serious problems for an individual. Theft crimes are considered crimes of moral turpitude and can impact a person’s employment, security clearance and career.

Being arrested for any theft crime is a serious matter. You need a defense attorney if you or a loved one has been charged.

Skilled Negotiation When It Is Needed | Aggressive Defense When Necessary

At Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, based in Newport News , we customize a defense strategy for each case we handle. We are here to offer representation defending all theft charges, including, but not limited to:

  • Larceny, which can be charged according to the value of the goods stolen
  • Embezzlement, which generally involves stealing from an employer
  • Fraud and false pretenses, which often involve the allegation of deceit, such as pawning stolen goods.
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle
  • Forgery and uttering of checks
  • Shoplifting

Every case is different. Make sure you talk to a lawyer before talking to the police about your case.

Get A Former Prosecutor On Your Side | Free, Confidential Consultation

Contact Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, to discuss the details of your case. We offer a free, confidential initial consultation regarding all criminal matters. Call 757-659-9611 in Newport News .

Let's Do This Together

Contact Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, in Newport News, to discuss your legal matter in confidence with one of our lawyers. We welcome the opportunity to serve you and your family.