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Man gets 2 years for participation in prostitution ring

On Behalf of | Apr 14, 2017 | Sex Crimes

Sex crimes come in a number of forms, but in all cases, they’re prosecutable. Whether you’re accused of being involved in a child pornography ring or of assaulting another person, it’s important that you have the right defense to protect your rights. It’s easy for your reputation to be damaged before the truth comes out, even if you are cleared of any wrongdoing later.

In Portsmouth, the news recently reported on a man who will be serving two years in prison. He’s been convicted of aiding a prostitution ring. The 24-year-old had been tried on charges for assisting a commercial sex-trafficking operation and for abduction, but he pleaded not guilty to both.

The judge reviewed evidence presented at trial including a woman’s claim that she’d been abducted by the sex-trafficking ring. She had reportedly agreed to participate in the prostitution ring but had her ID and phone taken from her. Then, she claims she was not paid. She escaped on Aug. 23 and reported the ring to police. The 24-year-old man was arrested the next day.

His attorney defended him by stating that he did not receive any compensation for his actions, and the woman herself had not been abducted. The judge did drop the abduction charge, which meant he would not face a 20-to-life sentence in court. For his sex-trafficking charge, he received a maximum 10-year sentence, but she suspended eight of those due to the circumstances surrounding the case.

It’s easy to see how you could be charged with more crimes than you’re guilty of when a situation is complicated. A good defense can help you, so you face the least amount of penalties possible.

Source: The Daily Progress, “Portsmouth man to serve two years in prison for role in prostitution ring,” Dean Seal, April 13, 2017


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