Weisberg Weisberg | Personal Attention. Exceptional Representation
The Attorneys or staff of Weisberg Weisberg
Rape And Sexual Offenses

Defense From Rape And Sexual Offense Charges

If you are charged with a sex crime, you may feel you have already been convicted in the court of public opinion. Your life has already changed, and you need to find an attorney who can guide you through the social stigma you face while defending you in court.

At Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC in Newport News , VA, our lawyers have experience handling a wide array of sex crime offenses. This type of case can become extremely challenging, as it often feels as if you have to defend clients against not only the charges, but society in general.

It is our goal to thoroughly investigate the charge and fight for a quick and efficient resolution. We understand the damage that is caused by a long, drawn-out case. We strive to work with prosecutors to get charges reduced or dismissed well before a trial becomes necessary. Trust us to aggressively fight to protect you.

We Incorporate the Appropriate Experts

It is not uncommon for rape and other sex crimes to rely heavily on the word of one individual versus the word of another. We focus heavily on incorporating the appropriate experts for the case whether it involves forensic investigation or psychological evaluation. Our criminal defense attorneys will fight to counter society’s assumption of victimization and work to resolve the case quickly.

Not only is our firm accustomed to defending clients against rape charges, but we also have experience handling a wide range of sex offenses, such as child pornography and charges dealing with inappropriate sexual acts. Do not hesitate to contact us and schedule a free criminal defense consultation.

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding sexual offenses, contact Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, to schedule a consultation. Call 757-659-9611 in Newport News .

Let's Do This Together

Contact Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, in Newport News, to discuss your legal matter in confidence with one of our lawyers. We welcome the opportunity to serve you and your family.