Weisberg Weisberg | Personal Attention. Exceptional Representation
The Attorneys or staff of Weisberg Weisberg
Gang-Related Crimes

Strong Legal Representation In Gang-Related Cases

Many gangs target the young, recruiting teens (and even younger kids) with limited power and problematic families of origin. Poverty, educational deficiencies and a general lack of opportunity – not to mention overt threats of violence — make it hard for many youth to resist recruitment. In some cases, members are second- or even third-generation participants.

Crimes, violent and otherwise, that are thought to be gang-related may be prosecuted aggressively in the state and federal courts of Virginia. If you or someone you know has been charged with (or is under investigation for) a gang offense, get the legal advice you need, as soon as possible.

Knowledgeable, Aggressive Defense Attorneys

It is important to understand how the government views gang-specific crimes and conspiracy charges. A conspiracy conviction can subject a defendant to harsh penalties for crimes that were actually or allegedly committed by someone else.

The defense attorneys of Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, are aggressive and knowledgeable in Virginia and federal criminal law. We can answer questions about cases involving:

  • Street gangs and “criminal street mobs”
  • “Mandatory” minimum sentences
  • Charges against juveniles under the age of 18
  • Murder and manslaughter cases
  • Assault, shooting, stabbing or wounding
  • Weapons-related crimes
  • Drug distribution and trafficking
  • Defendants and suspects with previous convictions for gang offenses
  • Alleged gang activity in a school zone, which carries enhanced penalties in Virginia
  • Traffic stops and searches

Some gang-related crimes break state laws and federal laws. Every criminal case is different.

Talk To Us Before You Talk To Law Enforcement | Free, Confidential Consultation

If you or a loved one has been charged with a gang-related crime or another felony, it is important to talk to an experienced lawyer before you talk to the police. With proper legal representation, you may be able to greatly improve the outcome.

Contact the attorneys of Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, about your case. We offer a free, confidential consultation to potential clients. Our offices are located in Newport News , Virginia. Call 757-659-9611.

Let's Do This Together

Contact Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, in Newport News, to discuss your legal matter in confidence with one of our lawyers. We welcome the opportunity to serve you and your family.