Wrongful Death Claims
There is nothing worse than losing a loved one in an accident. The pain can be particularly awful when the loss was caused by someone else’s negligence or carelessness.
A wrongful death or motor vehicle accident lawsuit cannot bring back someone you care about, but it can help in other ways. It can send a message to responsible parties and show support for other victims. It can provide compensation to meet present and future family needs. And sometimes it can provide peace of mind or a sense of closure.
Making It As Easy As Possible Following The Loss Of A Loved One
If you have experienced a catastrophic event that calls for legal help, you probably want an attorney who is easy to work with, not just someone who is smart or skilled in court. You want a law firm that will make the process as easy as possible while you take care of yourself and your family.
At Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, in Newport News, Virginia, we are strong advocates for injured people and their families. We are good listeners. We provide compassionate service in fatal accident cases. We work hard to get results in wrongful death claims involving:
- Car accidents on highways, streets and roads
- Collisions caused by trucks, tractor-trailers and other commercial vehicles
- Motorcyclists who were hit by other vehicles
- Bicyclists and pedestrians who were injured by motorists
Every fatal accident case is hard. Every case is different. Get the legal advice you need.
Wrongful Death – Frequently Asked Questions
At Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, we are a team of experienced lawyers adept at taking on personal injury cases ranging from motor vehicle accidents to nursing home abuse. We pride ourselves in protecting the interests of our clients while giving them a personalized service. If you have concerns regarding a potential wrongful death case, it may help you to review answers to these frequently asked questions:
Who Can File A Wrongful Death Claim?
If the person who died assigned an estate administrator or personal representative when they were living, then that is who would bring a case forward. Otherwise, the court decides who will be the decedent’s representative.
Who Collects Recovery In A Wrongful Death Suit If There Are No Children?
Absent an agreement between the survivors of the decedent, the Court will decide how to split the recovery between those survivors. A surviving spouse and children of a decedent typically have priority. If there are no such survivors, then the recovery may be split between parents, siblings, and other relatives who may have been dependent on the decedent for support.
What Damages Can I Recover In A Successful Wrongful Death Case?
In a Virginia wrongful death case, there are various damages a plaintiff can recover. Such damages may include:
- Medical and funeral expenses, provided the medical expenses are relevant to the injury that caused the death and the funeral expenses are reasonable
- Income losses brought on by the death
- Loss of services or assistance
- Punitive damages, or compensation as a consequence for the reckless action (or inaction) of the defending party
- Mental anguish, companionship loss and sorrow
What Are Common Types Of Wrongful Death Cases?
Typically, wrongful death suits are brought on by the incidents like:
- Car wrecks
- Trucking accidents
- Defective products
- Dangerous drugs
- Accidents at the workplace
- Medical malpractice
How Long Do I Have To File A Wrongful Death Claim?
In Virginia, you have two years from the person’s death to bring forth a wrongful death case.
Talk To Us | We Offer A Free Consultation | No Out-Of-Pocket Attorney Fees
Talk to a lawyer at Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, about your case. We offer a free consultation. There are no attorney fees unless you win compensation. Contact us to get your questions answered by a lawyer for wrongful death claims. Call 757-659-9611.