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Shared Custody

Establishing Shared Custody Arrangements That Benefit The Entire Family

Shared custody is a specific arrangement under Virginia law that allows one parent to have primary custody and the other to have access to the children beyond a standard visitation schedule. Shared custody is actually only defined in the Virginia child support code and can result in a substantially lower child support payment when the child is spending more time with the non-custodial parent.

At Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, in Newport News, our attorneys work hard to see that parents pay a fair level of child support based on the physical custody arrangement. However, we also see the benefit of expanded physical custody with regard to maintaining a meaningful relationship between the non-custodial parent and his or her children. We help parents establish shared custody arrangements that provide both of them with the access they need and provide the children with the appropriate financial support.

Understanding Shared Custody Under Virginia Law

It is important to understand that shared physical custody is not the same as joint custody. In a joint custody arrangement, both parents have equal physical (where the child lives) and legal (decision-making authority) custody. The child spends more time with the non-custodial parent in a shared custody arrangement, but the non-custodial parent does not necessarily have the legal custody rights held by the custodial parent.

In every case, we take the time to fully understand your goals with regard to shared custody and child support. We use your goals as our guide in negotiating an arrangement that provides you with the right level of access. There is no part of our jobs we find more gratifying than when we are able to help a family establish a plan that provides their children with a sound and bright future.

Discuss Your Shared Custody Questions With A Lawyer

Contact our office to discuss your shared custody questions with one of our attorneys. We can be reached by calling 757-659-9611 or by completing our online contact form. We will listen to your concerns and offer real legal solutions. Our office is located near the Newport News City Center at Oyster Point, off Interstate 64.

Let's Do This Together

Contact Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, in Newport News, to discuss your legal matter in confidence with one of our lawyers. We welcome the opportunity to serve you and your family.