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Sole Custody

Sole Custody Arrangements

When a parent is awarded sole custody in Virginia, he or she is the primary caregiver and has the right to make all decisions regarding the children’s schooling, religious affiliation and medical care without consulting the other parent. The non-custodial parent is allowed scheduled visitation and holidays according to a court-approved arrangement.

When one parent is seeking sole custody, there is sometimes a threat to the other parent’s ability to have a meaningful relationship with his or her children. Parents on both sides of these matters require the assistance of a qualified family law attorney who knows the law and has the ability to protect their interests.

Strong Advocates For Parents Involved In Sole Custody Disputes

At Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC in Newport News , VA, we have extensive experience representing clients in sole custody proceedings. We understand the criteria the courts use to evaluate sole custody petitions, and we know how to present a compelling argument that supports your position in the matter. In every case, our only concern is to resolve the case in a way that is most beneficial for you and your children.

We have seen many cases where the parent seeking sole custody will do so more out of spite against the other parent than any genuine concern for the children. We do not use children as weapons in these proceedings, and we will take swift action to prevent any such behavior by a parent or opposing lawyer.

Contact Us To Discuss Your Sole Custody Questions

We have successfully represented numerous clients in sole custody matters. We invite you to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case with a lawyer. Call 757-659-9611 in Newport News or contact us online.

Let's Do This Together

Contact Weisberg & Weisberg, PLLC, in Newport News, to discuss your legal matter in confidence with one of our lawyers. We welcome the opportunity to serve you and your family.